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Giving to the Press

We are a non-profit publisher, and many of our most important books are made possible by private giving from generous individuals and foundations. Contributions to the Press enable us to:

  • Publish important scholarly books that do not recover their costs.
  • Fund the development of ambitious large-scale projects.
  • Support especially costly works such as translations and illustrated books.

My colleagues and I welcome inquiries about funding opportunities at the Press, including sponsorships of individual books, contributions to our general endowment, and establishment of (or donations to) named endowment funds, which support books in an area of the donor's choice.

To make a donation to the University of Chicago Press, go to the University's Make a Gift page, and select University of Chicago Press in the Area of Support.

--Garrett Kiely, Director
[email protected]

Named Funds

Generous donors and their friends support the publication of some of our books; see our list of endowed publication funds.

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