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Seasonal Catalogs

Our seasonal catalogs announce new titles, and are available in PDF format. Information in these catalogs is subject to change, especially prices and publication dates. Each PDF catalog page is hyperlinked to the book’s webpage on our site; for the latest bibliographic data, click on the book’s title. Download Adobe Reader.

Our catalogs are also on Issuu and Edelweiss.

Publishers interested in considering any of our books for translation should refer to our International Rights catalogs


Fall 2024 Catalog

To view a PDF of Chicago’s editorial offerings, please click here.

Outside North America, see the International Edition.

Spring 2024 Catalog

To view a PDF of Chicago’s editorial offerings, please click here.

Outside North America, see the International Edition

Fall 2023 Catalog

To view a PDF of Chicago’s editorial offerings, please click here.

Outside North America, see the International Edition

Spring 2023 Catalog

To view a PDF of Chicago’s editorial offerings, please click here.

Outside North America, see the International Edition

Fall 2022 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition


Fall 2021 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Spring 2021 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition


Fall 2020 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition


Spring 2020 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Fall 2019 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition



Spring 2019 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Fall 2018 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Spring 2018 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Fall 2017 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Spring 2017 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition


Fall 2016 Catalog

Outside North America, see the International Edition




Book reviewers may contact us at:

The University of Chicago Press
Publicity Department
1427 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637 U.S.A.
Voice: (773) 702-7740
Fax: (773) 702-9756
E-mail: [email protected]


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